This post by About Face CEO, Barry Poltermann orginally appeared on Adotas - Where Interactive Advertising Begins
Really, does anybody force you to watch TV, listen to radio, or read magazines? Aren’t you, by those very acts, accepting the ads that come with mass media?
Isn’t that how it works? You get your content for free (or discounted) and in exchange, advertisers are granted your permission to grab a slice of your attention.
But of course, that’s NOT what we mean when we talk about permission marketing, is it? It’s certainly not what Seth Godin meant when he coined the term.
So what’s really involved in Permission Marketing?
Permission Marketing Requires Permission Plus…
The first part of permission marketing is the perception, on the part of the audience, that your communication to them will be valuable, interesting, and relevant in and of itself. The understanding is that your marketing itself will be the content, rather than an interruption to the content.
The second part is the explicit, rather than tacit or implied, permission of the viewer.
So while a regular 60-second TV spot can be so well done that people share it as valued content via YouTube, hyperlinks, Facebook and e-mail, in this context, with the content and the explicit permission, short-form video does in fact, becomes permission marketing.
But everyone who has an episode of “Breaking Bad” interrupted by that ad ends up with a totally different, non-permission-style experience of that ad, don’t they? Therefore in this instance, a new medium can still become traditional, interruption marketing. Read Full Post »